Comparing whole numbers "Shark Style" in Ms. Allen's class today!
Ms. Smith’s students finished up their unit on adjectives by each using an adjective to describe themselves for the classroom “I am” wall.
From PTA-
We are kicking off this years NMS Beef Jerky PTA Fall Fundraiser by selling Boo Grams for $2 each in person at the Middle school ONLY and at the Halloween Carnival this Saturday, Oct 28th from 4-8pm. Boo Grams can be sent to any student or staff members in NISD only. They will be delivered on Tuesday, Oct. 31st! How can you help with NMS Beef Jerky PTA Fall Fundraiser? We will have many flavors of Beef Jerky sticks for sale at the Annual PTA Halloween Carnival for $2 a stick or 3 sticks for $5! After Halloween, NMS students will be able to purchase them after school to snack on while waiting for buses or clubs. The public will be able to purchase them from PTA through an online store. Stay tuned, for more information !
Ms. Borski's class had some fun doing a pumpkin carving activity yesterday!
Brain break in Ms. Allen's class!
More info on retakes-
Fall Retakes & Absentees will be taken for Needville Middle School is on Friday, October 27th. Please see the below link to place your order:
If you previously purchased a package, and would like your photo retaken, ALL purchased items must be returned to the photographer the day of pictures. We can then exchange the old photos and place a new order for your child’s retake photo at no additional cost.
Everyone who didn’t purchase should have received a 2nd chance flyer with your child’s proof on it. If you haven’t, please email the below information to We can then send you a link to view & order your photos.
School Name:
Child’s Name:
Teacher name/Grade:
Purpose: Please send logon information to view & order fall photos.
Picture retakes will be this Friday, October 27th. You can order online by going to or by scanning the QR code.
Fourth grade Men in the Making learning how to safely make a fire!
🎗️ Red Ribbon Week - October 23-27 🎗️
Let's stand together and say NO to drugs! Join us for a week of awareness and positivity with these themed dress-up days:
📅 Monday: "Drugs will drive you mad"
🧩 Wear your wildest mad plaid!
📅 Tuesday: "Give drugs the boot"
👢 Dress in your best western gear or rock those boots!
📅 Wednesday: "Be kind to your mind"
❤️ Be drug-free and wear RED to show you care!
📅 Thursday: "Lei off drugs"
🏝️ Dress in Hawaiian or vacation clothes, let's relax without drugs!
📅 Friday: "Band together against drugs"
🎸 Rock your favorite concert or band T-shirt with pride!
Let's spread the message and create a drug-free world. 🌍💪
#RedRibbonWeek #DrugFree #Awareness
Blue Jays of the week for October 16th-20th!
Xtra Math donut finishers for this week in Ms. Sablatura's class! 🍩
Ms. Reiser’s class getting their Power Up done outside on this beautiful day!
Ms. Sablatura's class using menus to add and subtract decimals!
More from today's pink out!
Pink out today at NMS!
Our campus October service project was to raise money this week for breast cancer awareness. Our students responded by donating $5033.77 in one week!! This will all go to the National Breast Cancer Foundation in memory of Christi Prihoda. So proud of them!
First Harry Potter Club meeting was a success!
Reviewing with a board game for Types of Energy test in Ms. Duncan’s homeroom this morning
ZUMBA was yesterdays activity for Fitness Heroes. These kids coordination and their rhythm was on point! Way to go Fitness Heroes!
Lego club creating Halloween themed projects today!