
In today’s digital age, it’s easy to forget that what we say or post online can have real-life consequences. Whether it’s a joke or a moment of frustration, making a threat toward a school—online or in person—is never acceptable. Even if it’s not meant to be taken seriously, law enforcement and school officials will treat every threat with the utmost seriousness.

At Needville ISD, the safety of our students, staff, and community is our top priority. Threats disrupt learning, cause unnecessary fear, and lead to serious legal consequences for those responsible. It’s important to remind students and parents that actions online have real-world impact. A joke made in poor judgment could lead to school suspension, criminal charges, and a damaged future.

Let’s work together to create a safe, positive environment. Before posting anything online, #ThinkBeforeYouPost. Remember, your words matter. Let's keep our schools safe for everyone!