The Sapphires looked sharp last night at halftime of the Blue Jays basketball game. Good job!
Don't forget, NHS will be hosting a FAFSA night. Bring your parents and get all your questions answered. Contact Mrs. Zbranek for more information.
When: January 27th, 5:30 - 6:30pm
Where: NHS LGI
The Needville High School Athletic Training Staff represented our school this past Saturday at the Greater Houston Athletic Trainer’s Society (GHATS) Student Athletic Trainer Workshop where over 30 Schools from all over the Houston area with more than 1200 Student and professional athletic trainers in attendance. Our quiz bowl team which consisted of – Captain Taylor Todd, Faith Ramos, Reagan Sheffield, Stacey Smith, and Natalie Gonzales made it to the 2nd round of the live rounds. We also had 2 Poster contest winners with Reagan Sheffield placing 2nd in the miscellaneous category with her poster on NCAA Banned Substances, and Faith Ramos - receiving the Student Choice award overall with her poster on Athletes with Epilepsy. And for a 3rd straight year our T-shirt design took 2nd place in the T-shirt Contest….. And finally Coach Cosper brought home the Championship trophy for Top Ankle Taping for Professional Athletic Trainers in the Greater Houston Area! A BIG thank you to the Student Athletic Trainer staff for all your hard work and dedication throughout the school year and help with keeping our athletes going.
Congrats to our new National Honor Society members!!
NHS will host a Blood Drive on Tuesday, January 25th. Information is below.
NHS Theatre is sponsoring the Daddy Daughter Dance again this year. It will be Feb. 11 at Creekside. See the image for details.
Good luck to our Cheer squad at State UIL competition in Ft Worth!
Good luck to the NHS Cheerleaders as they compete in the UIL State Spirit Championship Friday at 1:14!!
Tomorrow is College Shirt Day. Wear a favorite college shirt and you can have your shirt untucked!
Thank you to our Basketball spirit items sponsors!!
Thank you to our Basketball spirit items sponsors!!
Congratulations to our students who earned their MOS Word certification today!
Seniors, mark your calendars for January 27th from 5:30 - 6:30pm!. NHS will have representatives on campus to answer questions and guide you through the process of completing the FAFSA application. Contact Mrs. Zbranek at NHS for more information.
Welcome Back, Needville High School! It's a great day to be a Blue Jay!
Way to go Lady Jays! Both Varsity and JV Girls Basketball take the win tonight at home.
Seniors & Senior Parents:
NHS will be hosting a free FAFSA event in the LGI on January 27th from 5:30 - 6:30. Come and learn more about completing the FAFSA form and get all your questions answered. Contact our College and Career Advisor Mrs. Zbranek for more information.
What a Great Christmas Concert tonight by the NHS choirs along with the Tidelanders!
Needville held their annual Christmas band concert this afternoon! Thanks for all the support as we had an excellent turnout to see our students hard work!
Seniors, if you are still interested in purchasing a Class of 2022 Panoramic Picture, you can still do so by ordering online at They will continue to accept orders through the end of the school year.
Needville High School has been transformed into a Winter Wonderland. (2 of 2)